0ne aftn0on a mother sits in her wheelchair on d lake,
accompanied by Her sucsess son n hav fmly. mother ask :
"what d bird was
standing there?"
"Stork mom"
his son replied politely. Soon after mother asked again ...
"That's what d white bird?"
A little upset her son replied "ya stork, mom"
Then his mother re-ask "So what's that d bird ?"
She pointed to d stork who was flying...
Wit d irritation of her son answered "mom, it'z stork. do d same
thing! .. Did not u see it'z fly ?!"
tearz dripping from
d corners of her eyes n mother said softly... "26 years ago, I
assume u n answer d same question to u as much as 10 times, now i'm just asking 3
times, but u've snapped me second
a s0n was silent ...
n hugged her mother..
Happy m0therz day