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13 years ago
Night doesn't become beautiful with star studded sky & full moon, it becomes beautiful when you go to sleep and let the stars & moon admire your innocence. Good Night Dear & Take Care!!!
13 years ago
"A morning greeting doesn't only mean 'Good Morning', it has a silent loving message saying, I think of you when I wake up." Good Morning Dear!!!
13 years ago
Friendship is a language spoken by heart.. not written on paper,not given by pledge. it is a promise renewed every time we keep in touch. Good Morning!!!
13 years ago
Orkut Welcome Scraps

makasih kembali.....
13 years ago
Morning is not only sun rise, But a beautiful miracle of God that defeats darkness and spreads light. May this be a very beautiful day for you. Gud morning dear
13 years ago
Orkut Hi & Hello Scraps

Orkut Poems Quotes Scraps

Orkut Friends Forever Scraps

Orkut Thanks Scraps

Orkut Keep In Touch Scraps
13 years ago
Question- How can you tell that Lawyer Bob is about to lie? Answer- When his lips start moving.
13 years ago
Good morning dear how r u?
13 years ago
Ä £öv£y wi$h för ä £öv£y per$öñ fröm ä £öv£y friéñd 4 ä £öv£y reäsöñ ät ä £öv£y Time iñ ä £öv£y Mööd iñ ä £öv£y $ty£e 2 wi$h Ü ä £öv£y gøöd morning dear.
13 years ago
Ä £öv£y wi$h för ä £öv£y per$öñ fröm ä £öv£y friéñd 4 ä £öv£y reäsöñ ät ä £öv£y Time iñ ä £öv£y Mööd iñ ä £öv£y $ty£e 2 wi$h Ü ä £öv£y gøöd morning dear.
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone .mp3
13 years ago
Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone .mp3
13 years ago
Dreams are the best part of life If u miss sleep U miss the best part of life So its already late.. Go to bed & catch very GudDreams..GdNgt DEAR
13 years ago
My Maths teacher told me dat.... 1hour=60min. . 1min=60 sec. . But she nvr told me that.... 1sec Without a sweet frnd like U is equal to.... 100yrs.
13 years ago
morning sweet..have a nice morning day...
13 years ago
Gd evening zhi. how r u?
13 years ago
thanx ea bee my...nice to see you
13 years ago
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Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone .mp3