waz yur major? iam student at Bejing Film Academy Universiti, iam still in 1st year, i want to be a Scenic & sound Desinger ^^ hbu?!
Ow,wat song?black metal song?hehe

bad dae lol,

, u?
i enjoy hiphop & r&b ,, but rok is my favortie 1 hihih , at least we share few common typs of music, yes iam a collge boy ,,, hbu?
juz hear song,watch tv,n chat, hbu?
i love all types of rock so much ~~Jrock, krock & Englsh rock ~~ ..hbu?

miz u, i'm fine mysweet fwen, hbu?^^
hihi TanQ ,,, iam lying on bed, replay freinds e-mail and chatting ,,, hbu?!
cute name like yur avatar ^^ iam Akira!! ,,, yu can call me Kira ^^
yu are welcom ^^ .. waz yur name?

歌舞青春 - Can I Have This Dance.mp3
I luv U

">http://www.4shared.com/video/ES2pfwAD/_online.html" border="0"/>
hi jin hope yoh have a nice time