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أخر دخول: 13 سنة
عضو منذ: 14 سنة
المدينة: Philippines,and malaysia
الجنس: أنثى
العمر: 33

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akinka_iyoako: I feel bad when you miss me,I feel sad when you don’t. (fb account:juliet_77@yahoo.com)

OwnSkin في صندوق


Err.. Hi. I'm Unluckygirl, though you may know me as juliet, or jemmelyne. However, that is not my real name, my real name is *julia natasha!* so that's cool. I was born In sandakan sabah malaysia, but some of my family on my mother's side still live in philippines making me 1/2 pilipino. I've never met all my pilipino family, and I probably never will. However, on my dad's side of the family, you can trace my ancestry all the way back to malaysia. Apparently my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandpa (or something like that) was a pirate that came down to philippines searching for gold. I shit you not, I have pirate blood in me. Despite my quick temper, I'm actually very nice as long as you aren't an arrogant douchebag. I treat my friends the way I would want to be treated, and I ask the same from them. As long as you are my friend, I got your back. I try to stay in a positive attitude, but usually I end up in a rage. I am barely ever sad or depressed, because I usually try to think of the few good things in life. I'm not an environmentalist, matter of fact I think all this bullshit about "GOING GREEN! :D" is ...well, bullshit. Let me tell you something, spraying hairspray IS NOT going to kill the Ozone layer, alright? Anyway, as far as me being a Republican , I think they are both corrupt bastards and I basically don't trust the government at all. Call me paranoid if you want to, but when an alien invasion takes over Earth, I'd be fucking prepared! hehehehehehe...
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